Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Media

I routinely hit the point where I am starving for stories, and it seems that every free moment I have, I read.  And read.  And read.  Interestingly enough, this often comes right at the end of the semester.  When I'm trying to do finals.


I can and will read just about anything when my options are limited.  This includes cereal boxes and shampoo bottles.  I took a while to learn to read, but once I did, it must have really clicked.

Anyway, my genre of choice is a toss-up between sci-fi and fantasy.  I remember right when I realized that I had fallen into something deep enough to keep exploring for a long, long time; it was when I was reading Lloyd Alexander's The High King (which was the first of the Prydain Chronicles that I read.)

Last week I went with Karen and Becca to a huge outdoor flea market and we found the books, and Becca and I found that we have similar tastes in books.  I still have a few of the ones that I bought left.

So here's what's been on my reading list since the mood struck, as far as I can remember.  This list is for my own amusement; I won't be offended if you don't bother reading the entire thing.

Enchanted by Orson Scott Card  I loved it.  The magic stuff got a little odd, but it was well written and coherent and absorbing.  There was the added benefit that I had no idea this book existed until I saw it on the shelf, and then it's a good thing that it wasn't much longer, because I did want to graduate on time.  But I also wanted to finish the story.

Blood of the Righteous by J.E. Sandoval  I got this one as a free e-book.  It was a good read, pretty good story, absorbing at parts.  He has room to grow as an author, but I'd be glad to read the next book when it comes out.

The China Puzzle by Mike Falkenstine  This was a short little book that addresses a lot of the complex relationships between the government of China and the churches. 

The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton  Becca told me that I should get this one when I said I hadn't read it.  And she was right.  Crichton does a lovely job somehow unjargon-ifying very jargon-ful material.  And spinning a good story.

China Road by Rob Gifford  This is the best book about China that I've read yet.  He captures a ton of the craziness of China, how much variation there is in culture and in customs, and how somehow people are still people, whether Westerner or Asian, whether they're from Shanghai or Xinjiang.  Here's what I thought was one of the most striking questions in the book, asked by a girl working as a sometimes prostitute who Gifford interviewed:  "It's difficult being a person, isn't it?"

Homebody by Orson Scott Card  So I really love most of OSC's stuff.  There have been a few that I extremely hated, and a lot are a little on the weird end, but I really enjoy how he tells a story and how much depth he hits.  This one was creepy, but I enjoyed it.  He does well with concepts.

Dragon's Blood by Jane Yolen  Random one that I picked up Sunday at the K house since I was earlier for the party than most of the family was.  It was easy reading, probably a YAF kind of fantasy; I liked it way more than I was expecting to.

Firstlight by Keturah Vale  So this one isn't published yet, and this is the second version of it that I've gotten to read through.  It was excellent.  I can't wait to see it in print. 

Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card  I picked this up when I was with Becca (who decided not to fight me for it) and Karen, and then started reading it last night when I couldn't get to sleep.  I love this series.  One of my favorites, for certain.  I read it after freshman year, and it really was just as good this time as it was the first, if for different reasons. 

And I've started The Eternity Artifact by L.E. Modesitt Jr. and Celtic Fairy Tales edited by Joseph Jacob.

Here's what's still on my list:

Finishing The Eternity Artifact... The Chosen (Chaim Potok), Scion of Cyador (L.E. Modesitt Jr.), English Teaching as Christian Mission (Donald B. Snow), Teaching to Change Lives (Dr. Howard Hendricks), and Learning Teaching (Jim Scrivener).

I bet you can guess which are my own choice and which are for work.  :)

There are plenty of other books I'd like to read this summer, but we'll see what happens.  What are you reading?  Got suggestions? 

And since this is a media-list kind of post, here's my coinciding music preferences.

Love & War & The Sea In Between ~ Josh Garrels (introduced to me by Bryana and available free at

Ghosts Upon the Earth ~ Gungor (which Samwise got me onto)

Calling You ~ Blue October (which Janie introduced me to)

The Luggage of an Optimist ~ Miriam Marston (again, Bryana)

My brain feels like it's come up for air again.  I like that. 

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